Meet The Team

Jyotika Kapur


Mindconvo is Ms. Jyotika Kapur’s brainchild. An RCI certified counselling psychologist holding 10 years of counselling experience – she has worked with a large number of clients from India, USA, UAE & Australia.She bring a personalized touch, weaving warmth, compassion, and acceptance into every session.  Client’s unique journey is met with dedicated support, fostering a transformative and personalized approach to mental well-being.

In her own words:
“Having worked with children, teens, couples and aged population, here I offer personalised holistic healing experience of mental health therapies including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), Mindfulness, and Hypnotherapy. My sessions are crafted to address your individual needs comprehensively. My commitment extends beyond professional duty; it is a sincere dedication to your well-being. I believe in creating a safe space where you are accepted wholeheartedly, allowing for a deeper connection with yourself and others. Your mental and emotional health are my top priorities, and I am here to guide you towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.”

Jyotika has worked with clients from top organizations worldwide

Jyotika works closely with a core team of 3 highly qualified mental health therapists spread across different parts of India.

Ashwini Gopalkrishna


Compassion and commitment are at the heart of Ashwini’s counseling session. Her approach is client and family centered where she endeavors to make the client feel safe, seen, heard and confident to explore his/her authentic self.

In her words:
“Focusing on evidence based therapies such as CBT, DBT and many more, my areas of expertise include conscious parenting, inner child work, dealing with anxiety, trauma & addiction. Together we can embark on a journey towards a more fulfilled and happier you!”

Salini Govada


The quality of empathy shines forth in Salini and she holds a deep understanding of diverse backgrounds. She integrate a variety of therapeutic modalities, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) and more.

In her words:
“ My approach is rooted in cultural sensitivity, recognizing and honoring the diverse backgrounds that shape your unique journey. I weave empathy into every session, creating a safe space where your identity is respected and celebrated. This eclectic approach allows me to tailor our sessions to your specific needs, ensuring a personalized and effective therapeutic process.
Beyond my professional expertise, I am deeply passionate about fostering genuine connections with my clients. My goal is to empower you on your path to self-discovery, resilience, and positive transformation. Let’s embark on this collaborative journey where cultural sensitivity, empathy, and evidence-based techniques converge to nurture your mental and emotional well-being.”

Meenakshi Kuppuswamy


Meenakshi believes in cultivating a space where acceptance and trust lay the groundwork for the client’s self-exploration. The collaborative journey aims not just at symptom relief but at achieving comprehensive well-being.

In her own words:
“In my therapeutic space, acceptance and trust are the cornerstones of transformative growth. I bring a holistic approach to mental health therapy, recognizing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. My commitment to your well-being goes hand in hand with a diverse set of therapeutic modalities, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), and many more. Your mental and emotional health are my top priorities. Let’s embark on this transformative journey where holistic healing, acceptance, and trust converge, paving the way for a balanced and fulfilling life.”

A snapshot of our regular web team meetings

We believe in self mental health therapy and supervision . We hold regular meetings to address daily challenges faced by the team members.

What does this logo signify?

At the heart of MindConvo lies a logo that encapsulates the very essence of our mission a vivid portrayal of a person reconnecting with their inner happiness. Our logo is a vibrant representation of the transformative journey towards reclaiming one’s joy, strength, and emotional balance, inviting individuals to rediscover their most authentic and happy selves.

The focal point of our logo is a serene, happy person, delicately reaching inward, signifying the process of reconnecting with oneself. This depiction symbolizes the profound journey of self-discovery and the pursuit of inner contentment. It resonates deeply with our brand’s tagline, “Where Conversation Heals” encouraging individuals to embark on a path of rediscovery and self-fulfilment.


Surrounding the happy person are artfully designed leaves, representing rebirth and growth. Each leaf embodies the interconnectedness of an individual’s journey towards reconnecting with their happy self. This imagery signifies the natural, transformative process that accompanies the restoration of one’s inner joy and balance.

With a harmonious combination of elements, our logo serves as a guiding beacon, evoking feelings of hope, growth, and the beauty of self-reconnection. It reflects the principles of renewal, resilience, and the profound beauty found in reclaiming one’s joyful essence.


At MindConvo, our emblem not only stands for our commitment to mental wellness but also serves as a visual embodiment of the path to rediscovery and happiness. It encapsulates the spirit of our endeavor to inspire growth, renewal, and the journey to reclaiming one’s happy self.

Our Vision

“We envision a world where mental health is prioritized, destigmatized, and accessible to all. Through our online platform, MindConvo aims to be the catalyst for positive change, creating a personalized and healing space where everyone feels heard, accepted, and supported on their path to holistic well-being.”

Our Mission

“At MindConvo, our mission is to foster mental well-being by offering a non-judgmental online sanctuary. Our dedicated professionals provide empathetic support, unconditional acceptance, and personalized guidance, empowering individuals on their healing journey.”

What Our Clients Say ?

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