Frequently Asked Question

Explore our counseling services, appointment process, fees, confidentiality, and more for peace of mind.

Every person who “wants to bridge the gap between who you are and who you want to be” can take up therapy and online counseling. Therapy is a journey of self growth and improvement towards your overall well-being.

You can connect with the best psychologist by Clicking on “BOOK YOUR THERAPY SESSION”. Fill the form and as per your requirements, the Best psychologist will be assigned to you to start your journey.

All the information is confidential and will not be shared under the privacy policy of the company.

A personalized feedback form will be created to ensure that the feedback is highly confidential. If you would want your identity to be anonymous, you can choose to give feedback in a n anonymous way.

Incase of urgency or for any help required in booking the session, you can reach out to your personalized wellness manager via whatsapp messenger.


Incase of urgency or for any help required in booking the session, you can reach out to your personalized wellness manager via whatsapp messenger.

Yes, you can mention the language preference in the client form and the therapist will be assigned as per your language preference to the therapist.

There is no limit to the number of the sessions. You can take the number of sessions recommended by your therapist.

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