Low Self Esteem

Have you ever felt as not being enough or useless? Or do you feel other people are better than you?

If yes, you are not alone. Recent statistics reveal that approx. 85% (including adults and children) face self-esteem issues and sadly people do not even realize it.  People with self-esteem issues, tend to make negative evaluations or opinions about self either based on their performance or how others evaluate them in social situations. Such people feel unlovable, less sufficient, awkward, or incompetent. They perceive themselves as negative, inferior, or rejected in the social world.  However, it is of utmost importance that people facing this problem must understand its effects and adopt the right approach to overcome this problem.


Symptoms of low-self esteem:

  • Negative self-talk or constant self-criticism
  • Repetitive overwhelming thoughts
  • Fear of being judged
  • Lack of energy
  • Becoming a “people pleaser”
  • Reluctant to take on new challenges
  • Perfectionism or setting unrealistic standards or expectations
  • Difficulty accepting compliments
  • Constant urge of comparison
  • Believing you are powerless to change anything
  • Unable to be happy and enjoy life

How an online behavioral therapist helps?

In the digital age, seeking help is more accessible than ever. A behavioral health therapist provides a safe and supportive space to address the root causes of low self-esteem.
  • Validation and Acceptance:
  • Mental health counselor @ Mindconvo offer a non-judgmental environment where you are accepted as you are. They help you explore your feelings and challenge negative beliefs.
  • Building Resilience:
  • Through online counseling, you gain valuable tools to challenge and reframe negative thoughts. It’s about building resilience and fostering a positive self-image.
  • Emotional Support and Guidance:
  • Your journey with Mindconvo is accompanied by professionals who are here to accept you the way you are, provide emotional support and guidance, helping you navigate the path to self-discovery. We help you attain the power to create everything that you want in your life.  

    Self-Help Toolkit

    Nurturing Your Self-Worth

    Alongside counselling, incorporating self-help hygiene into your routine can enhance your journey to improved self-esteem.
  • Positive Affirmations:
  • Start your day with mindful affirmations that uplift and inspire
  • Set Realistic Goals:
  • Break down big tasks into smaller, achievable goals
  • Celebrate Achievements: 
  • Acknowledge and celebrate even the smallest victories
  • Surround Yourself with Positivity:
  • Limit exposure to negativity and surround yourself with supportive influences
  • Practice Self-Care: Prioritize activities that bring you joy and relaxation
  • Your Path to Renewed Confidence Begins Here

    Embracing your worth is a journey, and Mindconvo is here to be a friend in this journey of acceptance, growth and empowerment. It’s time to rise above the shadows of low self-esteem and rediscover the confident, resilient you with Mindconvo.

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